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Hearing loss in children has a tremendous effect on their lives. It happens when one or more parts of the ear do not function normally. The hearing difficulties can affect the child’s ability to develop speech, language and socialization skills. Hence, it is important to have early diagnosis and intervention so that children can reach their full potential.
The symptoms and signs of hearing loss vary in each child. So get a hearing screening test done by the ENT specialist at the earliest if you suspect that your child is having an auditory issue. This test is simple and easy and can accurately detect if the child has a hearing problem. It may be conducted even on babies while they are asleep.Vikram ENT Hospital,a well-known ENT Hospital in Coimbatore, is renowned for its promising services and innumerable success stories in treating various kinds of ENT problems including hearing loss. The hospital provides precise diagnosis and accurate treatment at affordable rates to multitudes of patients.
Though hearing loss can occur anytime from birth to adulthood, it normally occurs in children due to genetic reasons or maternal infections during pregnancy, health complications during the birthing process and head trauma. While obesity and hearing loss are not directly linked, it is well-known that the former can cause hypertension and diabetes. These two diseases can significantly increase the risk of hearing loss.
Though hearing loss can occur anytime from birth to adulthood, it normally occurs in children due to genetic reasons or maternal infections during pregnancy, health complications during the birthing process and head trauma. While obesity and hearing loss are not directly linked, it is well-known that the former can cause hypertension and diabetes. These two diseases can significantly increase the risk of hearing loss.
Symptoms of Hearing Loss
All children must reach certain milestones in every age at how they play, interact and communicate. Any visible delay or slow progress in reaching these milestones can be a potential sign of hearing loss or developmental issues.• Signs In Babies
o No startling response at loud noises
o No turning towards the source of sound
o Inability to say single words by the age of one year
o Name call response is poor
o Ability to hear few sounds but not all
• Signs In Children
o Delayed speech
o Incoherent speech
o Difficulty in understanding and interpreting communication
o Inability to follow commands and directions
o Requires high volumes of audio inputs for listening
• Effects of Hearing Loss
• Delay in the development of both receptive and expressive communication skills. In other words, speech and language are impacted negatively as vocabulary development becomes slow
• Not reaching the normal growth milestones leading to garbled speech and inability to understand even simple sentences
• Learning difficulties occurs due to language deficit leading to lowered academic achievements
• Poor self-esteem and social isolation due to communication and interaction difficulties
• Vocational choices are likely to be affected
• Partaking in peer interactions and group activities is curtailed
• Treatment and Intervention Programs
A comprehensive treatment plan has close monitoring, interventions, therapies and follow-ups with modifications incorporated along the way as needed. The various ways to cope up with communication hurdles for children suffering from hearing loss include:
• Using other modes of communication like sign language to interact with others.
• Making use of technological aids and assistive devices like hearing aids for amplifying sounds. Picking hearing aids play a vital role in enhancing the child’s auditory capabilities. Usually, young children are recommended to use Behind-The-Ear (BTE) style hearing aids as it better suits the growing ears.
• Doing exercises to boost hearing like meditation, yoga, listening to music, singing and sound isolation techniques to improve active listening.
• Children with profound hearing loss may need cochlear implants and auditory brainstem implants. While cochlear implants send sound waves directly to the auditory nerve, auditory implants stimulate the hearing pathways in the brainstem by bypassing the inner ear and the auditory nerve.
• Rectifying some types of hearing loss through medication and surgery particularly when it occurs due to ear infections.
• Seeking family support and counselling services.
• Hearing Aids Cleaning Tips(for BTE Type)
• Do gentle brushing of the hearing aid.
• Remove the earmold from the hook and brush it thoroughly and use a wire loop to clear the debris.
• Wipe the hearing aid and earmold with a soft cloth.
• Wash the earmold with warm water and soap. Avoid chemical cleaners.
• Ensure that the earmold and tube are dry before attaching them to the hearing aid by using a bulb blower.
So, NEVER delay the screening process when hearing loss is suspected in a child-prompt intervention is crucial. Kindly approach Vikram ENT Hospital to learn more……..
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