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Mouth bumps are painful blisters, which appear inside the mouth. They usually appear red or yellow in color and it is quite different from a cold sore, which affects the outer lips. It occurs as a result of poor health conditions and unhealthy diet. Most of the times, mouth bumps may recover on its own, but it is highly recommended to consult a doctor if the problem persist for a longer period of time.
If an individual is having multiple mouth ulcers, then he/she is more susceptible to 'recurrent aphthous stomatitis'. There are several types of sores or mouth bumps, which could appear anywhere in the mouth. Gums, inner cheeks, tongue and lips are some of the common spots where ulcers may appear. The symptoms of an ulcer could vary from one individual to another.
Types of mouth bumps or ulcers and their treatments
A mouth bump or ulcer is usually caused due to the following factors:
When to consult an ENT Doctor?
An individual is required to consult an ENT doctor during the following circumstances
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